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The Future of Microgrids: The Evolution of the Full Value Chain

Join us as we discuss Microgrid Flex, the game-changing solution designed to revolutionize the world of microgrids. Say goodbye to custom-engineered complexities and embrace a simple, standardized, and scalable approach to deploying microgrids.

This webinar was originally held on November 21, 2024.

Now available for On Demand viewing! 

Sponsor: Schneider Electric 
 1 Hour

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Microgrids are becoming an increasingly important tool for commercial and industrial enterprises. By generating and storing power on-site, organizations are becoming more efficient, resilient and self-reliant, making them better able to withstand the impacts of volatile energy costs and frequent grid outages. Until now, each microgrid has been largely custom-engineered and incorporated different software, hardware, and interface systems to meet the unique specifications for each build.

 Enter Microgrid Flex: a simple, standardized, validated and scalable solution, designed to accelerate the deployment of microgrids. The result? Improved resilience, energy cost optimization and sustainability. This session is for contractors, system integrators and partners who are ready to take their business to the next level by offering a microgrid solution for their customers.


Matt Holstein
Manager of Microgrid Partner Channel Sales
Schneider Electric

With a passion for driving sustainable change, Matt is dedicated to helping consultant engineers design and implement Microgrid solutions at scale across the United States. Drawing on a rich history of on-site power generation design and implementation, Matt brings a wealth of experience to the table.

In his previous roles, Matt concentrated on navigating regulations and laws that hinder the involvement of distributed energy resources, ultimately aiming to facilitate the transition to a cleaner energy grid. He thrives at the forefront of large-scale transition challenges, valuing interdisciplinary participation and cooperation.

With a keen interest in the business, finance, technology, and policy aspects of renewable energy and green technology, Matt aspires to leverage his technical expertise to comprehend these issues from diverse perspectives.

Currently, Matt collaborates with strategic partners nationwide to scale the deployment of Microgrid technologies, while also providing valuable assistance to consulting engineering firms and renewable energy developers in designing Microgrid power systems. His multifaceted approach and dedication to sustainable solutions make him a valuable asset in the renewable energy landscape."

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